Open letter to mythical men: Santa
Dear Santa Geez, what is it like for you? You just get letter upon letter from people asking you for stuff. That's gotta be hard. People love you, but you must feel like Leah Thomson in Some Kind of Wonderful when she realises that people just want to be around her because she was beautiful and she gives Eric Stoltz back those earrings. People love you but isn't it because you give them stuff? Of course they love you. The movies would have us believe that it's because you prove the existence of miracles, but I think if we're all honest we know it's because kids love stuff. The magical aspect is great, sure, that's undeniable, but the stuff plays a really big part. Without the presents there would be no miracle, you'd just be some fat dude sitting way up there in the north pole surrounded by elves and reindeer. Santa, I'm sorry. I did not mean this to be such a downer. I don't want to make a dude feel bad about himself. I guess I'm just th...